根据其使命宣言, 亚博体育 is a Christ-centered, 城市, liberal arts university dedicated to providing students from diverse backgrounds an education that prepares them to engage actively in a constantly changing world. The General Education Core Curriculum at 亚博体育 supports this 任务 Statement by providing students with a broad-based education in an 城市 Christian context.

General Education Core Requirements (As of July 1, 2024)

The General Education Core consists of four themes 和 15 specific course requirements as outlined below. Transfer courses that are determined to be comparable 和 parallel to Warner Pacific courses will be applied toward General Education Core requirements. To meet a core requirement, a transfer must be at least 2 semester credits.

All courses used to satisfy general education core must be completed with a “C-” or higher.


Courses in the major or minor may be used to meet core requirements. 然而, each student must complete a total of 30 credits of General Education Core applicable coursework that is separate from coursework for the major or minor. Students who have completed all specific course requirements but lack the 30 overall credits of non-duplicated General Education Core coursework may select additional Core course options from any of the core areas.

Theme 1: Cultivating a Christ-Centered Learning Community

Articulate your spiritual journey as related to an underst和ing of God 和 a connection with others.


  • REL 220 Christian Spiritual Formation
  • REL 320 灵性, Character, 和 Service

Note: Transfer coursework is not accepted to meet this requirement

Explain foundational beliefs 和 practices of Christian faith.


  • BI 151圣经是神圣的故事

Articulate 和 apply the holistic benefits of a healthy lifestyle.


  • HE 150个人健康和健身
  • HE 210压力管理
  • NURS 336 健康 Assessment 和 Promotion (for BSN students only)
  • 压力,创伤, & 自我保健

Students entering WPU with freshman or sophomore class st和ing (less than 60 semester credits) will take 这两个 the 基督教信仰的基础 requirement 健康生活方式要求.

Students entering WPU with junior or senior class st和ing (60 semester credits or more) may choose 要么 the 基督教信仰的基础 requirement or 健康生活方式要求.

Demonstrate an ethical 和 respectful worldview that promotes stewardship 和 care for others.


  • 伦理,社会问题, & 责任
  • hum200执业道德
  • PHIL 300道德规范
  • SRM/PHIL 380体育伦理
  • 社会工作探索
  • TH 310基督教伦理

Theme 2: Investing in the Formation 和 Success of Students from Diverse Backgrounds

Articulate the value of diverse voices 和 perspectives; explain the impact of global interdependency on social 和 cultural systems.

HE 340当前健康问题
REL/SOC 310世界宗教
SOC 340竞赛 & 民族关系
SS/SW 485人口贩运

Theme 3: Collaborating With 和 For Our Urban Environment

Articulate how human behavior interacts with social organizations 和 cultural patterns; identify the opportunities 和 challenges of 城市 life.

BIO 216城市生态学 & 生态系统服务
CJ 310美国法律制度
ENV 450城市亚博体育 & 可持续性
PS 140政治导论 & 美国政府
SE 311 Entrepreneurial Lead in Urban Context
SOC 140社会学原理
社会问题 & 公共政策
SOC 350社会心理学
SOC 360城市社会学
urb160 FYLC主题

Theme 4: Fostering a Liberal Arts Education

Produce written communication relevant to specific audiences.

  •  参加en111英语作文I
  •  参加en112英语作文II

Access, analyze, 和 synthesize academic information relevant to a particular field of study.

  • Take ILR 300 Advanced Information Literacy 和 Research

Note: Other upper-division research literacy 和 writing courses may be considered for applying to this requirement.

Articulate connections among multiple academic disciplines.

  • Take HUM 310 Exploring the Human Condition

Note: Transfer coursework is not accepted to meet this requirement

Utilize current technology relevant to a particular field of study.


  • BUS 223 Introduction to Microsoft Office
  • CMPT 100 Computer Information Literacy
  • COMM 250 Introduction to Digital Media
  • COMM 265网页设计导论
  • ED 240 Integrating Educational Technology in the Classroom
  • MA 242介绍统计

Utilize scientific knowledge to underst和 和 explain the natural world.


  • 生物121解剖学导论 & 生理学
  • BIO 211普通生物学1
  • 生物212普通生物学II
  • BIO 215/315 Malheur Natural History Studies
  • BIO 221人体解剖学 & 生理学我
  • 化学导论
  • 化学211普通化学
  • ENV 105 Intro to Environmental Science
  • PHS 101物理科学入门
  • PHS 230地质

Demonstrate quantitative 和 analytic reasoning.


  • 文科数学硕士104
  • MA 111大学代数
  • MA 115微积分预科
  • MA 211 Fundamentals of Elementary Math I
  • MA 242介绍统计
  • OR demonstrate mathematics proficiency by SAT Math score of 650+ or ACT Math score of 28+

Historical 和 Cultural Knowledge 和 实践
Articulate the historical 和/or cultural context of a particular art form; express yourself through one or more artistic medium; explain the value of historical context.

Take a minimum of 2 credits from the following:

  • ART 120 Introduction to Photography
  • 艺术250/350艺术史
  • 了解胶片 & 它的形式
  • EN 215/315全球文学
  • MUS 115/315管乐团
  • REL/HIS 330教会历史1
  • REL/HIS 370教会历史II
  • PSY 401历史 & 心理学系统

Critical Thinking 和 Strategic Action
Model civil discourse through purposeful dialogue 和/or presentations; apply problem-solving techniques; utilize critical thinking to assess information; demonstrate strategies required to create 和 execute a plan.


  • 总线261组织写作 & 演讲
  • 管理理论 & 实践
  • BUS 321组织行为学 & 设计
  • CJ 455恢复性司法
  • COMM 200 Interpersonal Communication
  • COMM 220公共演讲
  • COMM 230 Intercultural Communication
  • EC 203经济学
  • ED 281 Curriculum Planning 和 the Role of the Teacher
  • MKTG 242市场营销
  • PSY 392/492实习
  • SS/BUS 380冲突解决
  • TH/SOC 370 Community 订婚: Tools for Social Change
